Sunday, June 14, 2015

Art, love, and weight loss.

Proud of my self control, struggled through it for 12 hours and feel a million times better for not giving into food.

Mom helped me today, thank the Lord for her and Dad.

Posted my first 10-second video today for "give it 100" website where you post a video for 100 days doing something. I'm losing weight.

Donated 8 hours of PTO to my poor friend Reynianne, because her boyfriend passed away and she needed it.

"The Mastery of Love"- everything makes sense.

He is happy because of the love coming out of him. She is happy because of the love coming out of her.

We are responsible for our own happiness.

Love has no resistance. No expectations.

When you are in the track of love- everything goes well. You feel good. Because you are happy, you are kind.

I have a magical kitchen in my heart. I am not needy for other people's love.

I have enough love in myself. I do not seek approval or to change my partner. I love him the way he is, because we want the same things, and when he does something out of fear, it is because he is suffering. It does not affect my love. My love is unconditional. When it feels conditional, I am acting out of fear.

I am vibrating with happiness, love, and understanding today, I feel like everything has come together.

At 5pm I gave in, decided to have dinner early, caught myself, changed my mind. Had a giant delicious salad and felt good for resisting. My heart jumped in my chest I was so happy with myself!

Today Stacy gave me an entire batch of cupcakes for a late birthday present. I managed to give 21 away after two hours of staring at them at my desk and I ate one, the smallest one with the least frosting. It gave me heart burn immediately. So proud of myself.

Ate Tilapia today at home and it was de-ricious.

Lost 11 pounds since my birthday!

Wrote a letter today.

Goji got fixed, Chris picked him up and brought him home. He was very quiet and apparently forgot how to purr, meow, eat, and sleep.


Last day of Community Service.

Went for a walk down to the water with Chris and saw a baby turtle, another turtle, two duck families with 8 babies and no fathers. Chris saw a gigantic turtle but I missed it. Lots of fish!

Had breakfast for dinner delivered from the diner.

Spent the day painting with Ashley. I finished the Bob's Burgers painting and one of a whale and a ship. I'm really happy with them. I love painting!

Worked on a clay cat for Judy from work. Used a dremel for the first time and I'm kind of in love. What else can I do with that thing?

Cut my hair short. Again. Maybe too short. We'll see.

Started another "give it 100" project called "create". 

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